Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bloodline is Being Negative

"Man-gear" is not the same as fixed-gear. But the point is moot if you're riding on equipment made of Meister Bräu cans. Doesn't matter; the Almanzo 100 will be serving B-negative cocktails all day long, come May 17. Add a plus-four to your "French 6-speed cogged freewheel," and maybe you can have your bike featured here.

Meanwhile, the Ragnarök is just around the bend. Feel the burn, rooster cogburn, feel the burn...


bloodline said...

i only said '6 speed freewheel' that would make it a 12 speed if i add a double up front. you just keep burning mr. fixit, i's just chillin'

Lunatic Biker said...

Why are you so angry, Andrew? Why do you hate Neil Diamond?

bloodline said...

i don't hate neil as much as my previous wife loved him

Snakebite said...

Previous wife? What's the count up to these days?