Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Rosenberg, it's a good thing you stayed home today...

Hell, I crashed not once, but twice today. Burns was there to capture this Kodak moment. Thanks, Burns...

Peanut butter was the consistency of the day. Chunky.

Reconnecting with the LRT trail in Chaska (Go Bears!) we had a 1/4 mile of soft-serve snow which made riding next to impossible. I managed to find a line close to the fence of pea gravel mixed with ice. Sascha made a more sensible decision and crossed it.

Slogging onward, towards burritos and beer...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hop on the B.u.S.S., Gus...

The Forester was demanding delivery of his new bike, so I rode the XtraCycle home last night in order to haul it in to the shop. Well sumuvabitch, it snowed two inches over night. XtraCycles are rad, but they do not handle the snow real well...

Made it to the Cykel Garage, relatively unscathed. Rolling down 34th Street I tried going from the snow to the dry lane and went dowwwn. Shit! No casualties other than a minor scrape on the goldilocks handlebar. Sorry, Ray...

God damn if that isn't one sexy bike. Ray hasn't even picked it up yet and I already have seller's remorse. Oh well, you can't ride them all, and I'm about to order a new Soulcraft, so what the hell.